These are called the three additive colors. There are the three primary colors of light. The primary colors always appear on the color wheel. In the electronic color wheel used for electronic devices such as televisions and computers, red, green, and blue are regarded as the primary colors and magenta, yellow, and cyan are regarded as the secondary colors.
There are two versions: one in which red, green and blue are regarded as the primary colors (called the electronic or computer color wheel) and one in which magenta, yellow, and cyan are regarded as the primary colors (called the printer's color wheel).the primary colours are on the top. The HSV/RGB color wheel is described below. The digital form of the HSV color wheel is called the RGB color wheel (shown below). The color wheel most commonly used today is called the HSV color wheel which means hue, saturation, value. The English Wiktionary has a dictionary definition (meanings of a word) for: color wheelĪ color wheel is a circular chart that shows primary and secondary colors.